Essay II, Section 22

ou will have guessed what has really happened here, beneath all this: that will to self-tormenting, that repressed cruelty of the animal-man made inward and sacred back into himself, the creature imprisoned in the "state" so as to be tamed, who invented the bad conscience in order to hurt himself after the more natural vent for this desire to hurt had been blocked - this man of the bad conscience has seized upon the presupposition of religion so as to drive his self-torture to its most gruesome pitch of severity and rigor.Core Link Guilt before God: this thought becomes an instrument of torture to him.Core Link He apprehends in "God" the ultimate antitheses of his own ineluctableDefinition animal instincts;Cire link he reinterprets these animal instincts themselves as a form of guilt before God (as hostility, rebellion, insurrection against the "Lord," the "father," the primal ancestor and origin of the world); he stretches himself upon the contradiction "God" and "Devil";Core Link he ejects from himself all his denial of himself, of his nature, naturalness, and actuality, in the form of an affirmation, as something existent, corporeal, real, as God, as the holiness of God, as God the Judge, as God the Hangman, as the beyond, as eternity, as torment without end, as hell, as the immeasurability of punishment and guilt.

n this physical cruelty there resides a madness of the will which is absolutely unexampled: the will of man to find himself guilty and reprehensibleDefinitionNietzsche linkIntertextual Linkto a degree that can never be atonedDefinition for; his will to think himself punished without any possibility of the punishment becoming equal to the guilt;Core Link his will to infect and poison the fundamental ground of things with the problem of punishment and guilt so as to cut off once and for all his own exit from this labyrinth of "fixed ideas"; his will to erect an ideal - that of the "holy God" - and in the face of it to feel the palpable certainty of his own absolute unworthiness. Oh this insane, pathetic beast - man! What ideas he has, what unnaturalness, what paroxysmsDefinition of nonsense, what bestiality of thought erupts as soon as he is prevented just a little from being a beast in deed!

ll this is interesting, to excess, but also of a gloomy, black, unnerving sadness, so that one must forcibly forbid oneself to gaze too long into these abysses. Here is sickness, beyond any doubt, the most terrible sickness that has ever raged in man;Nietzsche Link and whoever can still fear to hear (but today one no longer has ears for this!) how in this night of torment and absurdity there has resounded the cry of love, the cry of the most nostalgic rapture, of redemption through love, will turn away, seized by invincible horror.-- There is so much in man that is hideous!-- Too long, the earth has been a madhouse!--