These are some things to consider when looking for dysgraphic patterns:

Borrowed from Violet Roberts, Tutor Resource Manual

1. Text organization:
-Are the ideas presented in an organized manner?
-Is there a format of main ideas and supporting details for each paragraph?
2. Grammar:
-Does the student have a pattern of omitting or adding words to sentences?
-Does he/she use correct word endings-plural, tense?
-Are there sentence fragments?
-Are there run-on sentences?
-Do the pronouns agree with antecedents?
3. Spelling:
-Does the student confuse the order of letters?
-Does the student omit or add letters to words?
-Does he/she reverse letters?
-Does he/she miss words with regular spelling?
-Does he/she miss words with irregular spelling?
-Does he/she misspell word endings?
4. Punctuation:
-Does the student capitalize the first letter of every sentence?
-Does the student capitalize proper names?
-Does the student put punctuation at end of sentences?
-Does the student confuse commas and periods?

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