Conclusion: On My Discovery

My favorite part about this project is that it was my creation. No restrictions were imposed on me that told me "how to write" my paper. Flower and Hayes, in their Step 3 of the cognitive writing process model, emphasize that writing should be discovery with a purpose or with goals. "In order to understand a writer's goals, then, we must be sensitive to the broad range of plans, goals, and criteria that grow out of goal-directed thinking" (294). I had a goal, yet had the freedom to "discover" on the road to proving my point. A writer tries to convey her meaning, she, however, may think in a hypertext manner because of all the issues she needs to explain to convey this overall meaning. This project did not limit me to a linear format; this aided in making the writing of it my own discovery.

The majority of the collaborative control, in both a tutor-student and a teacher-student relationship, should be placed in the writers' hands. This allows the writer to create a paper in any format, whether it be hypertext or linear: she does not have to follow the imposed, traditional, liner order traditionally expected in a paper. These writers are the ones who are creating their papers, and this, not the revising and not the planning, is what the enjoyment should be in writing. ESL and LD students should be given the same freedom native speaker, non-LD students have: to use their creativity to its maximum efficacy to create a great paper. If computer technology can help these disadvantaged students in the development of writer creativity through peer collaboration, then I have discovered that computer technology should be the main focus of research in writing theory, as well as the main technique used to develop all students' writing.

To Works Cited


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