A SCAPE GALLOWS.--At Perrysburgh, on the Savannah river, a soldier, named Ficklin, having made frequent attempts to desert, was tried and sentenced to be hanged.--Gen. Lincoln ordered the execution. The rope broke ; a second one was procured, which broke also. The case was then reported to the general for directions. “Let him run,” said the general, “I thought he looked like a scape gallows.”

“You are an excellent packer,” said a mason to a farmer. “Why so?” “You have contrived to pack three bushels of rye into a two bushel bag.”
Jonathan presented himself and his intended to the minister for the purpose of being married. Being asked if they had been published--“Oh! I guess so--for I told it to Uncle Ben, and he told his wife of it more than a week ago.”
“What’s the matter with your eye?” said a gentleman the other day to an honest emigrant, who looked as though he had been playing at fistycuffs.

“Oh! it has been put out, knocked out, annihilated--expunged.

“How can that be?” replied the other, “can’t you see with it?”

“Oh, yes, I can see with it ; but for all that it is expunged. Don’t you see the black lines around it?”

Source: New York Spirit of the Times 7.6 (25 March, 1837): 47. University of Virginia Alderman Library.

Erin Bartels prepared this typescript.

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