I'LL TREAT, I SWEAR! [No title given for original.]

A raftsman who had drank a little too freely, fell from a part of the raft where he was employed, and was near drowning, when his brother plunged in to his relief, seized him by the hair, and was struggling with him to the shore. The tide was strong, and the brother's strength was nearly exhausted, he was about to relinquish his hold, when the despairing one, raising his head above the water, exclaimed, "Hang on, Sam ! hang on ! I'll treat, I swear I will."

His words were stimulating, and the brother at length saved him.


Source: New York Spirit of the Times 1.12 (3 March 1832): 4. University of Virginia Alderman Library.

Erin Bartels prepared this typescript.

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