When the gallant Colonel passed through Nacogdoches on his way to join the Texian army, before the capture of the Alamo by the Texians, he carried with him the celebrated rifle which was presented to him in Philadelphia two years ago, and which he familiarly called his "Betsey." On leaving the town, he was surrounded by a number of persons to whom he made a short address, in the course of which he used this expression : "I will die with my Betsey in my arms--No--I will not die. I'll grin down the walls of the Alamo. The Americans will lick up the Mexicans like fine salt." This prediction was verified. The Alamo was taken, and the Mexicans expelled for a short time. The disastrous re-capture of the fort, however, showed that the walls of the Alamo would not stay grinned down.

Phil. Gaz.

Notes: New Spirit of the Times 6.14 (21 May 1836) 112. University of Virginia Alderman Library.

Erin Bartels prepared this typescript.

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