English 216, Literature, Technology, and Society: Invented Worlds
Spring 2008, T/TH 3:45-5:00 Ryland 205
Dr. Joe Essid
Writing Center 9c 289-8935 or jessid@richmond.edu
Office Hours: M & TH 10-11 and by appointment

What is an "A Paper"? A guide for my classes

Have you heard the old saw that an infinite number of chimps, working on an infinite number of word processors, would eventually type out Hamlet? All of you are a lot smarter than any number of primates, but you don't have an infinite number of weeks to get things "perfect" for me or any other professor. I hope this page will demystify how I grade written work.

In general, as I grade papers I consider errors in thinking--cloudy thesis statements, digressions, missed transitions, failures to follow the assignment--as the most serious errors. No paper with even a single error of those sorts would earn an A. While I do not give as much weight to grammatical and stylistic errors, at least early in the semester, when they begin to detract from my reading of your paper (I have to stop and say "huh?") they hurt your grade. See my Pet Peeves list for details.

Use your spell-check, have a dictionary handy, and use Writer's Web to check on mechanics and grammar. Always read your final draft aloud; you will catch dozens of small errors that way. Even though you might have your paper critiqued in an editing group for class, you will want to start early, see the Writing Fellow, and as needed for additional help, make a follow-up appointment with the Fellows or a tutor at the Writing Center .

Exceptions are possible, and these characteristics of various papers are not carved in stone; a paper that does several things very well and one poorly might not fare as badly as one that does everything in a sloppy way:

A: Outstanding, almost flawless work; very few papers in each class earn this grade. Papers earning a grade of A must show creativity, engagement and understanding of the assignment, and, when appropriate for the assignment, critical use of sources, in print and on-line, and from transcripts of online work.

An A paper about two texts or subjects would also include a superb sense of organization--it would not simply be "two mini essays." See the Writer's Web worksheet on Multiple-Subject Papers for more information.

B: No problems with organization and would include a clear, creative thesis and strong use of sources and analysis. The essay might contain a minor error in interpretation of an idea or source. A paper might earn a B for grammatical errors that distract the reader. This paper would be original and interesting, but it would not be outstanding in the way that an A paper would be.
C: Follows the assignment , but isn't very original in doing so. The essay has a clear thesis, if the assignment calls for that. Might have several lapses in transitions between points, a few unsupported arguments, or a few sources not supported or analyzed. Still, it shows effort on the writer's part. Some C papers have strong arguments and support but have many grammatical or mechanical errors.
D or F: Normally there are one of three reasons for a paper earning a D or F.

First, the writer did not follow the assignment. Second, Any paper lacking a thesis or controlling idea, if the assignment mandated that, would probably earn a D. Third, a paper that did not support its arguments logically or with sources might earn a D, even if it were fine otherwise.

I've rarely assigned a D on the basis of grammar and style alone; normally, something has to be seriously wrong with the focus, support, and organization of a paper for it to earn a D.

An F paper is similar to a D paper, but the errors are even more pronounced or the paper is simply not completed

Zero: If the paper is never submitted, or if a writer turns in a piece of paper with her/his name and nothing else, then the work wasn't done. Worse than F papers; a single "zero" can be grounds for failing the course.
Other Questions
Q: What if I want to write about something other than the assigned topic?
A: I tend to discourage it, but ask me if you've got an idea you'd love to explore.
Q: What are the rules for late work?
A: A full letter grade is lost for every day late, no excuses. Always use the network drive plus a backup diskette or CD to keep an extra copy of your work, beyond what is on your hard drive, and always turn in something, even if the lateness of the paper would earn the grade of F.
Q: Do you reduce grades for using "I" in papers?
A: I don't forbid it. I do ask that you use "I" when it's most appropriate--describing personal experiences. In Core, papers use analysis which rarely requires first person. eg. "I think the incidents are similar because. . ." could be better written as "The incidents are similar because. . ." Most literary papers do not need the first person--you are writing as a scholar looking at texts and ideas; your personal experience will rarely enter into the discussion except for our second "road trip" paper.
Q: What if I fail to cite my sources? Is that plagiarism?
A: Not usually. I will reduce a grade for errors of this sort, most of which are accidental. I will, however, strictly penalize repeated errors and will give a zero (and consider additional action) for any clear acts of willful plagiarism. In Eng. 216, the rules for citing film and texts are basic MLA format.

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